Economic Fully assembled and ready for interconnection - Fast, easy installation
- Fully tested and calibrated - reduced startup and commissioning cost
- Small footprint - Lower site preparation cost and associated risk
- Lower engineering cost - with ARGEN's experience comes engineering efficiency
All-Inclusive Integral disconnect, ground switch, and/or circuit breakers
- Capacitor switches with transient mitigation
- Integral control system with manual and automatic controls
- Integral protection system
- Individually fused capacitors
- Internal PTs and CTs for control, metering, and protection
- Surge protection
Flexibility Equipment that matches your needs - Configured to your site's electrical and physical requirements
- Designed to meet your performance goals
Reliability Key components are protected from wildlfie and atmospheric contaminants
- More likely to be maintained as equipment is at ground level
- Designed and built by an ISO 9001:2008 certified company with a proven track record of quality and performance
Simplicity Easy to purchase - Single vendor for the entire project
- Fully integrated design - Leave the design, assembly, setting, calibrating, testing, and commissioning to ARGEN
Durability Resists effects of corrosion, dust, solar radiation, snow, and rain
- Marine based paint system over galvanneal steel
- All stainless steel hardware
- Seismic, wind, and snow load rated
Safety Enclosure protects against inadvertent contact
- Key interlock system for safety and proper sequence of operation
Performance Reduces kVA billing and power factor penalties
- Improves voltage profile
- Var support for IPP interconnect requirements
- Increases power flow capability
- Release system capacity